
Monday, August 23, 2010


 1)Eating Low fat treats
    Consumer demand for low fat items has been increased considerably. It can be seen that super market shelves have been filled up with so called low fat items.Though it is essential to cut down fat items ,low fat  free items are low in nutrient point of view .So called fat freed or fat modified items still have much amount of sugar,hence there will not be much difference in terms  of intake of calories.Hence it may be noted that there is no substitute for natural nutrient rich ,low fat foods such as vegetables,fruits etc
2)Eating too much sugar
We eat considerable amount of sugar as incredient of processed foods such as biscuits, cool drinks, cakes etc;Sugar is a concentrated form of energy and rich in calories.So try to cut down foods with a high sugar content
3)Eating sufficient fibre food
Foods such as bread, rice flour based products are highly processed.Processing  involves removing the outer layer of grain based foods.Foods during processing lose its fibre and nutrient content. The processed food may even impart the weight gain.The fibre not only gives you maximum fullness and minimum calories and generally is beneficial for your health in variety of ways. Hence it is worthwhile toeat the foods in their original state as  nature intended.
4) Consuming Large Quantities 
Excess calories from all types of processed foods can lead to the storage body fat.One can get excess fat from eating healthy foods if eaten in excess.When you eat more calories of than you can burn off , your body stores excess fat.Hence the serving size of food depends upon your age, gender and activity level.
5)Doing Enough Exercise
While a healthy diet is vital for a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise is also very important. There are numerous benefits associated with exercise such as increased bone density,heart health, weight management etc Brisk walking for about 30 to 45 minutes is easy way of exercise. Also when you go purchase or go to temples , try to go by walking.
6)Getting Sound Sleep 
Getting sound sleep is vital for your well being.An adult needs between 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep. Children and teens need more.But sleep is often sacrificed when people are busy. Hence improve the quality and quantity of sleep by keeping your room cool, quiet and dark.Establish regular time to go to bed and to wake up. It is better to eliminate caffeinated and alcholic beverages in the evening.Regular exercise and stress management can also make it easier to fall sleep.
7)Avoid Smoking
Dangers of smoking are well known.Smokers are likely to suffer sudden heart attack.The smokers also have increased risk of getting cancer of the bladder. breast,cervix, kidney, mouth, throat etc;Smoking not only damages your health,it alsoendangers the health of those around you ,especially children.Hence avoid smoking.
8)Skipping Breakfast
Though the breakfast is the most important meal of the day,it is most often skipped by many youth nowadays.If you miss the breakfast, you may notice drop in your health.Skipping breakfast will increase hunger and reduce your will power.,increasing the likely hood that you will over eat during the day.
9) High Expectations
High expectations and focus on results is major cause of frustrations.People often make dramatic lifestyle changes in the hope of dramatic results, It then becomes hard to maintain any life style change when you are focused on results that do not come.Do remember the vegetarian ways of lifestyle are less likely to overweight or to develop lifestyle diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and some types of cancer.A balanced diet should include fruits, vegetables, wholegrain high fibre breads ,cereals, nuts, low fat milk and about eight glasses of water a day

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